Drugs and Training
What if I can tell you that you can harness the power of drugs to help you train to greater heights?
Now I am not talking about the illegal kind. Not at all.
I am talking about the pharmacy that exists within your body and how to harness those chemicals.
Remember the first time you were scared? For some this is a paralyzing experience...and one that can be very dangerous to you. For others...they were invigorated by the surge of adrenaline.
There are several ways that this can be trained.
One way, of course, is scenario training. You first slowly learn the techniques. Then you practice them at varying speeds against different people. When you are ready, the training gets a little more realistic. This all depends on your instructor, but no one should get permanently injured while learning.
There are some systems that allow you to attack a very heavily padded man. This is not my preferred method, and I can see the validity of this type of training. This allows someone to really bring that animal survival instinct out which is important. It does not help you remain calm though. In order to truly be at your best, you must stay composed and focused.
Other training methods involve both participants padded up and they can go after each other with mainly strikes since the padding is not really suited for grappling.
There is also strictly scenario based training in regular training attire. The speed and severity of the attacks increase over time as each participants starts to develop good techniques. I personally prefer this method of training because your attacker will not really be wearing all the gear unless you are attacked by a swat team and I doubt you will be defending yourself in a real situation while wearing some kind of protective gear on your head and hands...unless of course you ride a motorcycle on a regular basis.
IMO, after the physical techniques and scenarios are learned, you have to begin visualizing the attack and defense, but really put yourself into the situation...in your mind. Since the mind does not know the difference between real and imagined, you can train your body and mind to experience the flight / fight response by turning if off and turning it on. By doing so, you will prepare both your mind and body. This is not in place of regular physical training...this is in addition to.
Until next time KO your obstacles by keeping it simple, keeping it safe, and train with PinPoint™ accuracy.
Mark Kline is a short, bald, professional martial artist from NJ. He is the architect of the PinPoint™ Method of Pressure Point Education for Martial Arts which is hosted by the Kyusho Institute. He has thousands students and followers around the globe training in his unique method of learning through a combination of live seminars and online education. You can can find more information about this unparalleled Kyusho Educational program here - http://www.KyushoInstitute.com and he can be reached directly by email - mark.kline@kyushoinstitute.com
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