
One question that I always get when discussing the topic of Kyusho (Pressure Point fighting/self defense) is this...How can I add this into what I am already doing?

That is a great question that is easily answered and through the teaching methodology of the Kyusho Institute, becoming much easier to implement than ever before!

Movement is movement.  There are only so many ways to move the body and a good understanding of body movement is vitally important in any physical endeavor.  This is what I have referred to in past posts as your Bio Intelligence (B-IQ™). do we do this in as simple a manner as possible?

1. Start with as simple a movement as possible.
2. Breakdown the movement by looking at it from the ground up (footwork, hand techniques, body positioning, etc.)
3. If you are using the PinPoint™ Method as your Kyusho learning tool, great...then just follow the drills as they will lead you directly to specific points that you can quickly learn and remember.


4. If you are new to Kyusho, you can find plenty of books and charts online that can help you find where the points are, but targeting may be an issue because these books and charts only give you info about the points....not how to get to them on the move.


5. Focus on 1 movement at a time...for example....the initial push or punch...find the points that are the closest and easiest to access the fastest, to shut down the attacking arm of the opponent.
6. Watch and mentally record the opponent's reaction to correctly striking the point.
7. See what follow up points are available on the head, body, or legs to use as a follow up.

You are always on the points.  It is your awareness of what you are touching and how (what we refer to in the Kyusho Institute as PinPoint Force Mulitpliers™) that can make all the difference.

Try this checklist and please let me know how it works for you and how this process can be improved.

Our goal at the Kyusho Institute is to help you learn faster, retain more information, and be able to execute these technique quickly.  This process does not have to take a long time.  It is how we deliver this to you that makes integration in ANY martial art easy.

Until next time KO your obstacles by keeping it simple, keeping it safe, and train with PinPoint™ accuracy.


Mark Kline is a short, bald, professional martial artist from NJ.  He is the architect of the PinPoint™ Method of Pressure Point Education for Martial Arts which is hosted by the Kyusho Institute.  He has thousands students and followers around the globe training in his unique method of learning through a combination of live seminars and online education.  You can can find more information about this unparalleled Kyusho Educational program here, where you can get 30 days free to try it out - and he can be reached directly by email -


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