The Voice...Part 1

No...I am not about to sing to you...neither one of us want that!! :-)

Years ago, George Dillman, love him, hate him, or just don't care...became the voice of a movement regarding higher education in the martial arts...not just through constant practice, but in depth study of the human anatomy through the paradigms of Western Medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) with regards to the movements of Kata and more.

George is basically retired and since his National Geographic fiasco many years ago, which did more damage for Kyusho than good, many outside of his organization and within have had to rebuild the reputation that Kyusho had early on.

There will be many who disagree, and I welcome that, and I was there almost from the beginning and luckily I left prior to the NG fiasco.  I still had fallout from that, even though I was no longer involved with George.  Hell...I was on the cover of Black Belt Magazine with him in March of 1995 (their 400th issue).

This post is not to bash George at all, even though it may appear to do so.  I am writing this to prove a point.  He was the voice of Kyusho for many years.

This is no longer the case.

There have been many who have tried to copy this success, but lack certain elements that only bring them a  handful of followers.

One of these is Sustainability

Sustainability is something that is not easy to achieve.  No one product lasts forever in its initial form.  Great foresight and great strategy are necessary to achieve not just sustainability, but competent sustainability.

As you look around, new programs are popping up all the time, many by people whom no one really knows.  This alone does not make them a good or bad teacher....just one no one has heard of yet.  Some learn how to market, and thus they get "discovered."

The Next Generation

Years ago Remy Presas asked me at a seminar in Philadelphia about the person he was appointing to be his heir apparent.  This was not someone from Philly.  He asked me what I thought about this.  I told him that the guy was a good martial artist and extremely BORING.  So much so that I had to go and sit down because I was literally falling asleep on my feet.  His monotone voice and lack of charisma were but two important factors that led to my answer.  Remy was not too pleased with my answer and if he did not want me to be honest...he should not have asked.

This guy went on to take over 1 faction of Remy's organization after his passing, and soon disappeared due to the fact that he had no charisma which led to few followers and sustainability.

My question for you today is, if you are looking to add something to your training, do you look at the hype of a good marketer or look beyond that to see if they can actually deliver on their marketing message?  For example...if someone is marketing that, "This is not necessarily for combat (No touch knockouts)", then why sell it at all?  Give it away if is just for shits and giggles.

Next time in Part 2 we will discuss what makes someone more marketable.

Until next time KO your obstacles by keeping it simple, keeping it safe, and train with PinPoint™ accuracy.


Mark Kline is a short, bald, professional martial artist from NJ.  He is the architect of the PinPoint™ Method of Pressure Point Education for Martial Arts which is hosted by the Kyusho Institute.  He has thousands students and followers around the globe training in his unique method of learning through a combination of live seminars and online education.  You can can find more information about this unparalleled Kyusho Educational program here, where you can get 30 days free to try it out and he can be reached directly by email -


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