Oh My God!

     There are many people in the martial arts world that have a God complex.

     No one person knows it all...period, but there are still many to profess that they are the closest thing to God that their students will witness in their lifetimes.

     Not sure where they got that from.  Maybe it is the funny costumes we wear, the bowing, etc.

     Years ago, I was teaching an introductory class to a prospective student, who happened to be Muslim.  He was 7 or 8 years old.

     When we started the class, as just about every martial arts class all over the world is started, I said, "Now we will face each other and bow."

     He replied, "We don't bow down to anyone."

     "Ah" I said.  "You are Muslim."  and then turned to his mother and said, "Let me first explain to you why we do what we do.  If after that you are not comfortable with how we do things, then we can stop the lesson."

     She agreed.

     I turned to the boy and said, "The reason we bow is to pay mutual respect to each other.  You are not bowing down to me, nor I you.  For example, you go to shake my hand and I will not shake yours, you might look at this as being disrespectful...right?"

     He nodded in the affirmative.

     "These classes are not just about self defense, getting in shape, but also to shape your character.  So if you do not want to show mutual respect, then there is nothing I can teach you."

     Hi mother then loudly, "You show respect to your teacher and he will return it.  This is how life works, no different than what we teach you at home."

     He complied and actually went on to be a really good student before they moved.

     Training and teaching should be about mutual respect.  There are just some people that don't get it and therefore...there is nothing they can learn or impart to someone other than how not to treat another.

     My question for you today is, Have you run across this in your travels either inside the martial arts or outside?  How did it affect you..if at all?

Until next time KO your obstacles by keeping it simple, keeping it safe, and train with PinPoint™ accuracy.


Mark Kline is a short, bald, professional martial artist from NJ.  He is the architect of the PinPoint™ Method of Pressure Point Education for Martial Arts which is hosted by the Kyusho Institute.  He has thousands students and followers around the globe training in his unique method of learning through a combination of live seminars and online education.  You can can find more information about this unparalleled Kyusho Educational program here, where you can get 30 days free to try it out - http://www.KyushoInstitute.com and he can be reached directly by email - mark.kline@kyushoinstitute.com


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