A Cup of Concrete

All around us are some kind of opportunities...if you ask the right questions.

For example...when we say something like, "I can't do it."...the brain goes into shutdown mode and says, ok...lets just quit and find something easier, different, etc.

Now...if you change the above statement into a question like, "How can I do this?" or "What can I do to simplify the learning of this material."...then the brain goes into search mode and starts searching for answers how to do X, Y, or Z.

So to make this short..."The quality of your life is based on the quality of the questions you ask yourself."

I first heard this quote almost 30 years ago from Anthony Robbins through his Personal Power program and it still rings true today.  Whenever I hear people say they cannot do something...and I am guilty of this myself...I ask this, "What can you do to make this possible?"

This change in verbiage changes everything about the situation and how you look at it, feel about it...and more importantly...THE OUTCOME.

When you do this, you will see the opportunities that are in abundance staring you right in the face.

There are many opportunities to learn, create, grow, etc...all by the quality of the questions you ask, not the BS statements like, "I can't do it" or "Its too hard."

As I learned from my recent trip to Australia..."Take a cup of concrete.", which means...harden up buttercup and get moving.

So next time you think you can't do something...Take a cup of concrete, harden up your resolve and find the hidden opportunities right under your nose by changing negative statements into "How to Questions".  I bet you will be amazed at what you find.

My question for you today is, Where in your life, your training, your job have you made those negative momentum stopping statements and what would happen to your life if you change your verbiage?

Until next time KO your obstacles by keeping it simple, keeping it safe, and train with PinPoint™ accuracy.


Mark Kline is a short, bald, professional martial artist from NJ.  He is the architect of the PinPoint™ Method of Pressure Point Education for Martial Arts which is hosted by the Kyusho Institute.  He has thousands students and followers around the globe training in his unique method of learning through a combination of live seminars and online education.  You can can find more information about this unparalleled Kyusho Educational program here, where you can get 30 days free to try it out - http://www.KyushoInstitute.com and he can be reached directly by email - mark.kline@kyushoinstitute.com


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