Are you Constipated?
Constipation is a serious problem, not only in the USA, but in the world today, but I am not here to talk about this serious issue...I am here to talk to you about one that is even more serious and even more commonplace. In the heat of battle...many people freeze due to their training. The training they have undertaken is full of theory and other things that are great to talk about when relaxing over a beer. I would like to say that this type of training is full of B.S (Basic Skills), but teachers think that they need to dazzle people with their "knowledge" and big words, when in reality they are doing their students a disservice. Many teachers think that teaching someone about things that are not combat tested like Sound, Energy Projection, what colors they should be thinking of, etc is going to get them more students. It may in the beginning until people realize that the teacher is full of Bravo Sierra. Someone is going to get hurt. The constip...