

Please read in full as there is more to this article than politics. This past weekend in Berkeley, CA there were protests.  Some were involving the release of of President Trump’s tax returns, some involved other issues. In the United States we have the right to peaceful assembly. Amendment I Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances The AntiFa group ( ) mostly, not all, wear masks to hide their identity.  Now why is that?  If you feel strongly enough about the topic to show about showing up fully.  What ever happened to “Stand up and be recognized?”  Oh wait...there are some, not all, of these people are paid by master manipulator George Soros groups to stir u...

Your Journey

     Most of you reading this are on the same journey as I am...the Martial Arts Journey.      Some are new to this journey and some of you are seasoned veterans of either the sport of martial arts, the fitness side of martial arts, or the self defense side...or quite possibly all three.      Regardless of which Path you choose, we are all on this same journey, one of self improvement.      What is the difference between the Martial Arts Journey and Martial Path?      The Journey is us striving to be better people.  The Path is what we take to accomplish this.      I know many people who have stayed the course of their journey over their many years, but their path has changed.      When I first started I was heavily into the sporting aspect.  Part of the training was self defense oriented, but the Tang Soo Do school I was ...


We make choices each and every day in every thing we do. Think about it for a second... Just the fact that you may or may not have stopped to thin about it...was a choice. You also made a choice to read this blog now, push it off until later, or scroll right on by and not read it at all.  All of these are choices. Choices are basically questions we ask ourselves.  For example..."What should I have for breakfast?  Should I cook something or just pick something up on the way to work?"   Every second of every day we make choices for everything...even whether or not we finish reading this blog.  Hell!  Just me making the decision to write on this topic...was a choice. So lets look at how choices affect our decision making with regards to self defense situations.   The first choice happens before the altercation even starts...I mean waaaay before and this is with regards to training.   Giving someone too many o...


     Most electronic products need to be shut down on occasion in order to reset.  This is commonly known as a "Reboot."      Here is a great article detailing why rebooting your computer works and/or is helpful for solving certain problems.      How then does rebooting your training work?      Well, for one, if you cant remember why you started training to begin with, or why you continue...then this can be a problem.  What I mean is that these are questions that we have to ask ourselves in order to "validate" why we continue to train in general, and train with the same group of people.      Some of us have been involved with martial arts organizations that don't teach things we are interested in...such as Kyusho, but since we have many friends...we continue and supplement our training through seminars, DVDs, and Online programs like mine.      Th...

I see Dinosaurs

     The last of the non avian dinosaurs were wiped out 65 million years ago due to either an asteroid hitting the earth or volcanism spewing so much debris into the air, sunlight was choked off, photosynthesis was disrupted and the entire food chain was thrown way outta wack!      I am fortunate to have the opportunities to work with people all over the world through seminars, my DVDs and my online program...the PinPoint™ Method.      I was fortunate to train extensively and personally with Prof. Wally Jay over a 10 year period.      It was great hearing some of the stories that Wally (he asked me to call him Wally, so if you are offended by this...get over it as there is no disrespect on my part) would bring up at seminars, dinners, etc. and one comes to mind with regards to today's blog.      "You cannot fight World War II with World War I weapons!"    ...

Walking Three Dogs

Currently I have 3 dogs. 2 are mine...1 is a foster, of which I am currently failing to find him a home...other than mine. Walking 3 dogs is like juggling multiple objects in a hurricane. I have narrowed things down to make them easier, as far as walking all 3 dogs at once.  2 dogs are on a tandem leash and the other a single one.  They still get tied up and at times all 3 want to go in different directions. So what does this have to do with Kyusho, or self defense for this matter? In last weeks Blog , I was talking about trying to take things that you would not necessarily use in a self defense scenario because it would make the process of "installing" the material that much harder and therefor less likely that you could pull it off...if your life depended on it. As I walk the dogs several times per day, I am reminded how much like a self defense situation this is.  You must pay attention or juggle many things. Two of the dogs like to pick up things t...


war ri or [ wawr -ee-er, wawr -yer, wor -ee-er, wor -yer] noun 1. a person engaged or experienced in warfare; soldier. 2. a person who shows or has shown great vigor, courage, or aggressiveness, as in politics or athletics. So lets take a look at this word, based on the above definition with regards to self defense. One thing my wrestling coach drilled through our head, "What you do in practice you will do in the match."   This is something I carry with me to this day. So why is this important you ask?  I know you are asking this!! Most of you who are reading this are martial artists.  The world martial refers to warfare or warrior-like.  To prepare for combat you study certain strategies and ways to implement said strategies....